Chateau Marmont Hotel

Chateau Marmont
L.A. Historic-Cultural Monument  #151
Location: 8225 Marmont Lane and , 8221 Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood, California
Built/Founded: 1927
Designated as LAHCM: 1976[1]
Governing body: private

The Chateau Marmont is a hotel at 8221 Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, California. Built in 1927, and modeled loosely after the Château d'Amboise, in France's Loire Valley. It has served as the backdrop for a number of events in the lives of well-known rock stars and actors.



Fred Horowitz, a local attorney, began construction on the hotel in 1927. His project turned into the Chateau Marmont, named for the street running across the back of the property. The Chateau Marmont opened in February 1929 as an apartment house, but high rents and the Depression kept renters away. In 1931 the building was changed to a hotel.[2] The hotel was bought in 1990 and is currently owned and managed by Hotels AB, run by hotelier Andre Balazs.


The Chateau Marmont was designed and constructed as earthquake proof, and has survived major earthquakes in 1933, 1953, 1971, 1987 and 1994, without sustaining any major structural damage. Nine cottages were built in the 1930s, next to the hotel, which were acquired by the hotel in the 1940s. Two of the four bungalows at the Chateau Marmont were designed by Craig Ellwood, in 1956, after he completed Case Study Houses. The bungalows are like miniature case study houses.[3]

The hotel has a restaurant featuring California cuisine. The chef is Carolynn Spence, originally of New York's Spotted Pig.[4]

The Chateau Marmont has catered to a large celebrity clientele over its 80-year history.

There is a persistent legend that a tunnel was constructed underneath Marmont Lane to Preston Sturges's 1940 nightclub Players, to allow celebrities to exit either business without having to deal with police or newspeople. There is in fact a bricked up tunnel in the basement of the nightclub, most recently called Miyagi's, then Shelter.

Notable people and events

See also


External links